Neon Pothos Propagation: A Complete Guide | Jarrak Media

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The Neon Pothos (Epipremnum aureum ‘Neon’), pinch its striking agleam greenish foliage, is simply a favourite among works enthusiasts. Propagation is an fantabulous measurement to grow your indoor plot aliases stock this beautiful works pinch others.

In this guide, we will supply a comprehensive, step-by-step mentation of really to propagate Neon Pothos effectively, ensuring patient and thriving plants.

What is Propagation?

Propagation is nan process of creating caller plants from an existing one. With Neon Pothos, propagation is astir commonly done done stem cuttings, arsenic this method is simple, efficient, and yields robust results. Other methods, specified arsenic division, are besides imaginable but little commonly used.

Why Propagate Neon Pothos?

  • Expand Your Collection: Create caller plants for different rooms aliases arsenic gifts.
  • Rejuvenate an Overgrown Plant: Pruning for propagation helps support nan wellness and quality of nan genitor plant.
  • Save Money: Propagation eliminates nan request to acquisition caller plants.

Materials Needed for Neon Pothos Propagation

  • Sharp, cleanable scissors aliases pruning shears
  • A mini jar aliases solid of water
  • Potting operation (well-draining soil)
  • A mini cookware pinch drainage holes
  • Rooting hormone (optional)

Step-by-Step Guide to Propagate Neon Pothos

1. Choose a Healthy Parent Plant

Start pinch a mature Neon Pothos that has healthy, vibrant leaves. Ensure nan works is free of pests aliases diseases, arsenic this will summation nan occurrence complaint of propagation.

2. Select nan Right Stem

Look for a stem pinch astatine slightest 2 to 3 patient leaves and a fewer visible nodes. Nodes are mini bumps connected nan stem wherever roots will yet grow.

  • Tip: Avoid stems pinch damaged aliases discolored leaves.

3. Cut nan Stem

Using sharp, sterilized scissors aliases pruning shears, make a cleanable trim conscionable beneath a node. Aim for a stem cutting that is 4–6 inches long.

  • Tip: Sterilize your cutting devices pinch rubbing intoxicant to forestall infections.

4. Prepare nan Cutting

Remove nan little leaves from nan cutting, leaving astatine slightest 2 leaves astatine nan top. Exposing nan nodes ensures they stay successful nonstop interaction pinch h2o aliases soil, encouraging guidelines development.

  • Optional: Dip nan trim extremity successful a rooting hormone to accelerate guidelines growth.

5. Propagate successful Water

Place nan cutting successful a clear jar filled pinch room-temperature water. Ensure nan nodes are afloat submerged, while nan leaves stay supra water.

  • Care Tips:
    • Change nan h2o each 3–5 days to forestall bacterial buildup.
    • Place nan jar successful bright, indirect ray for optimal growth.

Roots should statesman to create wrong 1–2 weeks. Once nan roots are astatine slightest 2–3 inches long, nan cutting is fresh to beryllium planted successful soil.

6. Propagate successful Soil (Optional Method)

Alternatively, works nan cutting straight successful well-draining potting mix. Ensure that nan nodes are buried successful nan soil, and h2o nan cutting thoroughly.

  • Care Tips:
    • Keep nan ungraded consistently moist but not waterlogged.
    • Cover nan cutting pinch a integrative container to create a greenhouse effect and clasp humidity.

7. Transplanting Rooted Cuttings

Whether propagated successful h2o aliases soil, erstwhile nan roots are well-established, transportation nan cutting to a mini cookware filled pinch caller potting mix. Water nan works thoroughly and spot it successful a location pinch bright, indirect light.

Caring for Newly Propagated Neon Pothos

  • Watering: Keep nan ungraded somewhat moist during nan first weeks aft planting. Avoid overwatering, arsenic this tin lead to guidelines rot.
  • Lighting: Provide bright, indirect light. Avoid exposing nan works to nonstop sunlight, which tin scorch its delicate leaves.
  • Fertilizing: Wait 6–8 weeks earlier fertilizing. Use a diluted, balanced liquid fertilizer to support patient growth.

Common Propagation Issues and Solutions

1. Cutting Fails to Root

  • Cause: Insufficient ray aliases mediocre h2o quality.
  • Solution: Place nan cutting successful a brighter location and usage filtered aliases distilled water.

2. Rotting of nan Cutting

  • Cause: Overwatering aliases stagnant water.
  • Solution: Change nan h2o often aliases guarantee nan ungraded has due drainage.

3. Stunted Growth

  • Cause: Lack of nutrients aliases inadequate light.
  • Solution: Feed nan works pinch a balanced fertilizer and guarantee it receives capable light.

When to Propagate Neon Pothos

The champion clip to propagate Neon Pothos is during its progressive increasing season, which typically falls successful outpouring and summer. During this time, nan works is much apt to create roots quickly and thrive successful its caller environment.

Benefits of Propagating Neon Pothos

  • Low Maintenance: Once established, Neon Pothos is an easy-to-care-for plant.
  • Air Purification: It helps amended indoor aerial value by filtering toxins.
  • Decorative Appeal: The vibrant greenish leaves adhd a touch of earthy beauty to immoderate space.

FAQs About Neon Pothos Propagation

Can I propagate Neon Pothos from a azygous leaf?

No, a azygous leafage without a node cannot turn roots. Nodes are basal for successful propagation.

How agelong does it return for Neon Pothos cuttings to root?

Typically, roots look wrong 1–2 weeks successful water. Soil propagation whitethorn return somewhat longer.

Can I propagate Neon Pothos successful sphagnum moss?

Yes, sphagnum moss is an fantabulous mean for propagation, arsenic it retains moisture while allowing for bully airflow.


Propagating Neon Pothos is simply a rewarding and straightforward process that allows you to grow your postulation of this stunning plant. By pursuing nan steps outlined above, you tin guarantee patient and thriving caller plants. Whether you’re a beginner aliases a seasoned works enthusiast, propagation offers an opportunity to nurture and stock nan joyousness of indoor gardening.

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Rimon Chowdhury

Rimon Chowdhury, a farming enthusiast pinch a Bachelor of Science successful Agriculture from nan University of Rajshahi. His emotion for farming began astatine a young property and He has been honing his skills for complete 15 years.He is an master successful each aspects of gardening, from planting and watering to (seed) disease power and harvest rotation. He is besides dedicated to sustainable farming practices and emotion sharing his knowledge pinch others done his website "" and connected societal media platforms specified arsenic Facebook, Reddit, Twitter, and GardenStew.

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