Can Pothos Go Outside? | Jarrak Media

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Pothos (Epipremnum aureum), a favourite among works enthusiasts, is celebrated for its stunning foliage and resilience successful divers conditions. While pothos thrives indoors, galore works lovers wonderment if it tin flourish outdoors.

In this article, we’ll research whether pothos tin turn outside, nan factors to consider, and really to supply nan champion attraction for this adaptable works successful an outdoor setting.

Understanding Pothos’ Natural Environment

Pothos is autochthonal to nan tropical forests of Southeast Asia and nan Pacific Islands. In its earthy habitat, it grows arsenic a climbing aliases trailing vine nether nan canopy of larger trees. This tropical inheritance intends pothos thrives successful warm, humid conditions pinch filtered sunlight, which is important to replicating successful outdoor environments.

Ideal Climate for Outdoor Pothos

  • Temperature Range: Pothos prefers temperatures betwixt 65°F (18°C) and 85°F (29°C).
  • Humidity Levels: High humidity promotes lush growth, mimicking its earthy rainforest habitat.

Can Pothos Be Grown Outdoors?

Yes, pothos tin turn outdoors, provided nan conditions align pinch its needs. Here’s a elaborate look astatine nan factors to see erstwhile moving your pothos outside:

1. Temperature Considerations

Pothos is simply a tropical works and cannot tolerate frost aliases utmost cold. Ensure outdoor temperatures stay consistently supra 50°F (10°C) to forestall accent aliases damage.

  • Warm Climates: In regions pinch mild winters, pothos tin enactment outdoors year-round.
  • Cooler Climates: During colder months, bring nan works indoors to debar frost damage.

2. Light Requirements

Pothos thrives successful bright, indirect sunlight, which intimately resembles nan dappled ray of its earthy rainforest habitat. However, nonstop sunlight tin scorch its leaves, causing discoloration aliases burns.

  • Shaded Areas: Place your pothos nether a tree, connected a covered patio, aliases successful a location pinch filtered sunlight.
  • Early Morning Sunlight: Exposure to mild greeting sunlight tin beryllium beneficial but should not transcend a mates of hours.

3. Soil and Drainage

Outdoor pothos benefits from well-draining ungraded to forestall guidelines rot. When planted successful nan crushed aliases a pot, guarantee nan ungraded has a loose texture that retains immoderate moisture without becoming waterlogged.

  • Recommended Soil Mix: Combine plot ungraded pinch perlite aliases soil to amended drainage.
  • Potting Tips: Use containers pinch drainage holes to forestall h2o accumulation.

How to Transition Pothos from Indoors to Outdoors

Moving pothos from an indoor to an outdoor situation requires a gradual process to debar shock. Follow these steps for a soft transition:

1. Acclimatize Gradually

  • Start by placing nan pothos successful a shaded outdoor area for a fewer hours each day.
  • Gradually summation nan long complete a week aliases 2 to thief nan works set to caller ray levels.

2. Monitor Watering Needs

Outdoor conditions tin lead to faster evaporation of water. Check nan ungraded often and set your watering schedule arsenic needed.

  • Dry Weather: Water much often to support nan ungraded moist.
  • Rainy Seasons: Reduce watering if nan works is exposed to earthy rainfall.

3. Protect from Pests

Outdoor environments tin expose pothos to pests for illustration aphids, mealybugs, aliases spider mites. Regularly inspect nan works for signs of infestation and dainty pinch integrated insecticides if necessary.

Caring for Outdoor Pothos

Once your pothos is settled outdoors, due attraction will guarantee it thrives. Here are basal tips for maintaining patient growth:

1. Pruning and Training

  • Why Prune? Regular pruning encourages bushier maturation and prevents nan works from becoming leggy.
  • Training connected Structures: Use trellises, fences, aliases walls to support pothos arsenic it climbs, creating a stunning vertical display.

2. Fertilizing

Outdoor pothos benefits from regular feeding to support vigorous growth.

  • Type of Fertilizer: Use a balanced liquid fertilizer diluted to half strength.
  • Frequency: Feed erstwhile a period during nan increasing play (spring and summer).

3. Managing Weather Extremes

  • Hot Summers: Provide other shadiness aliases move nan works to a cooler location during aggravated heatwaves.
  • Cold Winters: Bring nan works indoors aliases screen it pinch frost cloth to protect against acold snaps.

Benefits of Growing Pothos Outdoors

Growing pothos outdoors tin heighten its maturation and wide appearance. Here’s why:

  • Larger Leaves: With capable abstraction and resources, pothos often develops larger, much vibrant leaves outdoors.
  • Faster Growth: Outdoor conditions typically beforehand accelerated maturation compared to indoor environments.
  • Air Purification: Like its indoor counterpart, outdoor pothos improves aerial value and adds a touch of greenery to your outdoor space.

Common Challenges of Outdoor Pothos

Despite its adaptability, increasing pothos outdoors comes pinch imaginable challenges. Be prepared to reside nan pursuing issues:

  • Pest Infestations: Outdoor environments whitethorn pull pests. Regular inspections are basal to forestall infestations.
  • Leaf Burn: Too overmuch nonstop sunlight tin origin unsightly burns. Ensure nan works is successful a shaded aliases partially shaded spot.
  • Overwatering: Rain tin lead to waterlogged soil. Use pots pinch bully drainage aliases elevate ground-planted pothos somewhat to debar h2o retention.

Can Pothos Stay Outside Year-Round?

In tropical aliases subtropical climates, pothos tin stay extracurricular year-round pinch minimal care. However, successful regions pinch colder winters, it’s important to bring nan works indoors aliases supply protection during frosty periods.

Seasonal Care Tips

  • Spring and Summer: Focus connected feeding, watering, and pruning for optimal growth.
  • Fall and Winter: Reduce watering and move nan works indoors if temperatures driblet beneath 50°F (10°C).


Pothos is simply a versatile and low-maintenance works that tin thrive outdoors pinch nan correct care. By knowing its light, temperature, and h2o requirements, you tin create an situation wherever your pothos flourishes, enhancing your plot aliases outdoor abstraction pinch its lush foliage.

Whether successful pots, hanging baskets, aliases climbing structures, outdoor pothos adds beauty and vibrancy to immoderate setting.

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Rimon Chowdhury

Rimon Chowdhury, a farming enthusiast pinch a Bachelor of Science successful Agriculture from nan University of Rajshahi. His emotion for farming began astatine a young property and He has been honing his skills for complete 15 years.He is an master successful each aspects of gardening, from planting and watering to (seed) disease power and harvest rotation. He is besides dedicated to sustainable farming practices and emotion sharing his knowledge pinch others done his website "" and connected societal media platforms specified arsenic Facebook, Reddit, Twitter, and GardenStew.

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