39 Christmas Living Room Wall Decor Ideas | Jarrak Media

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I emotion to look for inspiration astir nan web to spot what different imaginative group are doing to decorate their homes for Christmas.

I recovered immoderate astonishing Christmas surviving room wall decor ideas that I wanted to stock pinch you.

I dream you bask these ideas arsenic overmuch arsenic I did!

1. Create a Christmas wall gallery

You tin create a beautiful Christmas wall assemblage successful your surviving room.

This is simply a awesome measurement to incorporated different types of Christmas wall decorations successful 1 space.

This assemblage wall includes a ample wall decal, a mini sign, and a wreath. You could besides adhd pictures and moreover your Christmas cards to a assemblage wall.

2. Hang a ample Christmas print

Christmas printables are an affordable and easy measurement to adhd immoderate vacation cheer to your walls. W

e emotion this accepted Christmas character print, but you tin find prints successful conscionable astir immoderate style you like.

Have nan people enlarged and bent it successful a ample framework to make a connection connected your wall.

You could besides usage a ample canvas to springiness nan people a much polished look.

3. Use Christmas wall decals

If you don’t want to perpetrate to a afloat accent wall, you tin usage wall decals to adhd Christmas cheer to your surviving room.

I utilized a group of Christmas character decals to create a wall of trees successful my surviving room.

I emotion really nan trees look for illustration they are increasing up from nan baseboard and reaching up to nan ceiling.

I besides added a decal to a vintage reflector to create a nosy and festive focal constituent connected my mantel.

4. Create a vacation wall tree

If you’re short connected space, but still want to bring nan magic of a Christmas character into your surviving room, see creating a wall tree.

You tin usage thing from drawstring lights to garland and moreover ornaments to create a character style connected your wall.

This creation by america is made from a elemental strand of Christmas lights and a fewer ornaments and is nan cleanable backdrop for nan

cozy Christmas vignette connected nan mantel.

5. Hang a Christmas wreath

A Christmas wreath is simply a must-have decoration for your beforehand door, but why extremity there?

If you person a ample reflector aliases a portion of wall creation supra your mantel, you tin bent a wreath correct successful nan center.

This is simply a awesome measurement to adhd a popular of greenery to your surviving room without taking up immoderate level space.

You tin usage a existent aliases faux wreath, and location are truthful galore different styles to take from.

Whether you for illustration a classical evergreen wreath, a modern eucalyptus wreath, aliases a colorful ornament wreath, nan possibilities are endless!

6. Create a wall of Christmas cards

Christmas cards are a accepted portion of nan vacation season, and they tin besides beryllium a awesome measurement to decorate your surviving room walls.

You tin create a assemblage wall of your favourite Christmas cards, aliases bent them from a magnitude of ribbon and show them arsenic a garland.

This is simply a awesome measurement to adhd immoderate colour and shape to your surviving room, and it’s besides a awesome measurement to show nan cards you person from family and friends.

7. Display Christmas stockings

If you person a mantel, you apt usage it arsenic nan focal constituent of your surviving room wall decor.

But if you don’t person a mantel, you tin still show your Christmas stockings connected nan wall.

You tin usage a ample portion of wood to create a sign, aliases you tin bent nan stockings connected their own.

If you want to create a sign, you tin overgarment it, adhd vinyl, aliases usage a stencil to create nan creation you want.

8. Hang a Christmas garland

Garlands are nan cleanable measurement to adhd a small festive nosy to your surviving room wall decor.

You tin spell arsenic accepted arsenic you for illustration pinch a classical greenish conifer garland aliases adhd immoderate colour pinch a eucalyjson garland.

You could moreover make your ain felt garland to bent crossed your fireplace aliases on a image rail.

You tin bent a garland arsenic is aliases adhd immoderate Christmas lights to make it moreover much eye-catching.

And if you don’t person a mantel to bent a garland from, you could usage a support aliases moreover a curtain pole.

9. Create a Christmas wall sign

One of nan easiest ways to decorate your walls for Christmas is to bent a Christmas-themed sign.

This motion is simply a elemental DIY, and I emotion nan measurement it looks hanging connected nan wall.

You could besides prop a motion for illustration this up connected a mantel aliases shelf, aliases usage it arsenic a centerpiece connected a assemblage wall.

10. Hang Christmas lights

Christmas lights are a classical Christmas decoration that tin beryllium utilized successful truthful galore ways.

You tin usage them to decorate nan Christmas tree, drape them crossed nan mantle aliases moreover bent them connected nan wall.

To create this look, simply bent a fewer strands of Christmas lights connected nan wall successful a zigzag pattern.

Then, usage clothespins to clip Christmas cards, photos, aliases different decorations to nan lights.


This Christmas, don’t hide astir your surviving room walls. With nan correct decorations, you tin create a festive abstraction that feels cozy and welcoming for nan vacation season.